Source code for mqt.qcec.configuration

"""Configuration options for the equivalence checking manager."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict

    from . import ApplicationScheme, Configuration, StateType
    from .types import ApplicationSchemeName, StateTypeName

[docs] class ConfigurationOptions(TypedDict, total=False): """A dictionary of configuration options. The keys of this dictionary are the names of the configuration options. The values are the values of the configuration options. """ # Application alternating_scheme: ApplicationScheme | ApplicationSchemeName construction_scheme: ApplicationScheme | ApplicationSchemeName profile: str simulation_scheme: ApplicationScheme | ApplicationSchemeName # Execution nthreads: int numerical_tolerance: float parallel: bool run_alternating_checker: bool run_construction_checker: bool run_simulation_checker: bool run_zx_checker: bool timeout: float # Functionality trace_threshold: float check_partial_equivalence: bool # Optimizations backpropagate_output_permutation: bool fix_output_permutation_mismatch: bool fuse_single_qubit_gates: bool reconstruct_swaps: bool remove_diagonal_gates_before_measure: bool reorder_operations: bool transform_dynamic_circuit: bool # Parameterized additional_instantiations: int parameterized_tolerance: float # Simulation fidelity_threshold: float max_sims: int seed: int state_type: StateType | StateTypeName store_cex_input: bool store_cex_output: bool
[docs] def augment_config_from_kwargs(config: Configuration, kwargs: ConfigurationOptions) -> None: """Augment an existing :class:`~mqt.qcec.Configuration` with options from a collection of keyword arguments. Args: config: The configuration to augment. kwargs: The arguments to build the configuration from. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(config.application, key): setattr(config.application, key, value) elif hasattr(config.execution, key): setattr(config.execution, key, value) elif hasattr(config.functionality, key): setattr(config.functionality, key, value) elif hasattr(config.optimizations, key): setattr(config.optimizations, key, value) elif hasattr(config.parameterized, key): setattr(config.parameterized, key, value) elif hasattr(config.simulation, key): setattr(config.simulation, key, value) else: # pragma: no cover msg = f"Invalid keyword argument: {key}" raise ValueError(msg)