
class Configuration.Execution#

Options that orchestrate the run() method.

property nthreads#

Set the maximum number of threads to use. Defaults to the maximum number of available threads reported by the OS.

property numerical_tolerance#

Set the numerical tolerance of the underlying decision diagram package. Defaults to ~2e-13 and should only be changed by users who know what they are doing.

property parallel#

Set whether execution should happen in parallel. Defaults to True.

property run_alternating_checker#

Set whether the alternating checker should be executed. Defaults to True since staying close to the identity can quickly show the equivalence of circuits in many cases.

property run_construction_checker#

Set whether the construction checker should be executed. Defaults to False since the alternating checker is to be preferred in most cases.

property run_simulation_checker#

Set whether the simulation checker should be executed. Defaults to True since simulations can quickly show the non-equivalence of circuits in many cases.

property run_zx_checker#

Set whether the ZX-calculus checker should be executed. Defaults to True but arbitrary multi-controlled operations are only partially supported.

property timeout#

Set a timeout for run() (in seconds). Defaults to 0., which means no timeout.