
class Configuration.Application#

Options that describe the Application Scheme that is used for the individual equivalence checkers.

property alternating_scheme#

The Application Scheme used for the alternating checker.

property construction_scheme#

The Application Scheme used for the construction checker.

property profile#

The Gate Cost application scheme can be configured with a profile that specifies the cost of gates. At the moment, this profile can be set via a file that is constructed similar to a lookup table. Every line <GATE_ID> <N_CONTROLS> <COST> specified the cost for a given gate type and with a certain number of controls, e.g., X 0 1 denotes that a single-qubit X gate has a cost of 1, while X 2 15 denotes that a Toffoli gate has a cost of 15.

property simulation_scheme#

The Application Scheme used for the simulation checker.