Partial Equivalence Checking#

Partial Equivalence vs. Total Equivalence#

Different definitions of quantum circuit equivalence have been proposed, with the most commonly used being total equivalence. Two circuits are considered totally equivalent when their matrix representations are exactly the same. However, it is often sufficient to consider observational equivalence, because the only way to extract information from a quantum circuit is through measurement. Therefore, partial equivalence has been defined, which is a weaker equality than total equivalence. Two circuits are considered partially equivalent if, for each possible input state, they have the same probabilities for each measurement outcome. In particular, partial equivalence doesn’t consider qubits that are not measured or different phase angles for each measurement.

This definition is especially useful for circuits that do not measure all of their qubits at the end, or where some qubits are initialized to a certain value at the beginning. We refer to the qubits that are initialized to a certain value at the beginning of the computation as ancillary qubits. Without loss of generality, we assume that these qubits are initially set to \(|0\rangle\). Any other initial state can be reached from the \(|0\rangle\) state by applying the appropriate gates. The remaining qubits are the qubits that hold the input state, and they are referred to as data qubits.

Similarly, we differentiate between measured and garbage qubits. In order to read the output at the end of a circuit, a measurement is performed on some qubits, but not necessarily all of them. These qubits are the measured qubits. All qubits that are not measured are called the garbage qubits. Their final state doesn’t influence the output we obtain from the computation.

For a circuit \(C\) we denote \(P(t | \psi, C)\) as the probability that the quantum circuit \(C\) collapses to state \(|t\rangle\) upon a measurement on the measured qubits, given that the data qubits have the initial state \(|\psi\rangle\). Two circuits \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are considered partially equivalent if, for each initial state \(|\psi\rangle\) of the data qubits and each final state \(|t\rangle\) of the measured qubits, it holds that \(P(t|\psi, C_1) = P(t|\psi, C_2)\).

Checking Partial Equivalence of Quantum Circuits#

Partial equivalence checking is a bit more costly than regular equivalence checking. It is necessary to reduce the contribution of garbage qubits and normalize the phase of each measurement outcome. Therefore, it is not enabled by default in QCEC. It can be activated using an option in the configuration parameters. If the option check_partial_equivalence is set to True, the equivalence checker will return equivalent not only for totally equivalent circuits, but also for partially equivalent circuits. The result will be not_equivalent if and only if the circuits are not partially equivalent. On the other hand, if the option check_partial_equivalence is set to False, then the equivalence checker considers total equivalence modulo ancillary qubits. This means that the garbage qubits are considered as if they were measured qubits, while ancillary qubits are set to zero, as in the partial equivalence check. The equivalence checker will return equivalent for totally equivalent circuits or equivalent_up_to_global_phase for circuits which differ only in their global phase and not_equivalent for other circuits.

The following is a summary of the behaviour of each type of equivalence checker when the check_partial_equivalence option is set to True.

  1. Construction Equivalence Checker: The construction checker supports partial equivalence checking by using decision diagrams to calculate the normalized phases of the possible outputs and then summing up the contribution of garbage qubits, in order to consider only the measurement probabilities of measured qubits. Then it compares the reduced decision diagrams of the two circuits.

  2. Alternating Equivalence Checker: The alternating checker can only be used for circuits where at least one of the two does not contain ancillary qubits. It computes the composition of one circuit with the inverse of the other and verifies that the result resembles the identity. When checking for partial equivalence, it suffices to verify that the result resembles the identity modulo garbage qubits.

  3. Simulation Equivalence Checker: The simulation checker computes a representation of the state vector resulting from simulating the circuit with certain initial states. Partial equivalence is enabled by summing up the contributions of garbage qubits.

  4. ZX-Calculus Equivalence Checker: The ZX-calculus checker doesn’t directly support partial equivalence, which is not a problem for the equivalence checking workflow, given that the ZX-calculus checker cannot demonstrate non-equivalence of circuits due to its incompleteness. Therefore it will simply output ‘No Information’ for circuits that are partially but not totally equivalent.

Using QCEC to Check for Partial Equivalence#

Consider the following quantum circuit with three qubits, which are all data qubits, but only one of them is measured.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

qc_lhs = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
qc_lhs.cswap(1, 0, 2)
qc_lhs.cswap(1, 0, 2)
qc_lhs.measure(0, 0)

qc_lhs.draw(output="mpl", style="iqp")

Aditionally, consider the following circuit, which only acts on two qubits.

qc_rhs = QuantumCircuit(3, 1)
qc_rhs.x(1), 0)
qc_rhs.measure(0, 0)
qc_rhs.draw(output="mpl", style="iqp")

Then, these circuits are not totally equivalent, as can be shown using QCEC. The library even emits a handy warning in this case that indicates that two circuits have been shown to be non-equivalent, but at least one of the circuits does not measure all its qubits (i.e., has garbage qubits) and partial equivalence checking support has not been enabled.

from mqt.qcec import verify

verify(qc_lhs, qc_rhs)
[QCEC] Warning: at least one of the circuits has garbage qubits, but partial equivalence checking is turned off. In order to take into account the garbage qubits, enable partial equivalence checking. Consult the documentation for moreinformation.
  "check_time": 0.011135614,
  "equivalence": "not_equivalent",
  "parameterized": {
    "performed_instantiations": 0
  "preprocessing_time": 0.000226494,
  "simulations": {
    "performed": 0,
    "started": 1

However, both circuits are partially equivalent, because they have the same probability distribution of measured values for any given initial input state. This equality can be proven with QCEC by enabling the check_partial_equivalence option:

verify(qc_lhs, qc_rhs, check_partial_equivalence=True)
  "check_time": 0.010420307,
  "equivalence": "equivalent",
  "parameterized": {
    "performed_instantiations": 0
  "preprocessing_time": 0.000216025,
  "simulations": {
    "performed": 0,
    "started": 1

Source: The definitions and example for partial equivalence are described in the paper Partial Equivalence Checking of Quantum Circuits by Tian-Fu Chen, Jie-Hong R. Jiang and Min-Hsiu Hsieh.